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Collision Course Download 5kapks


About This Game Please Note: In it's current state the game is a sandbox experience taking place on a portion of the larger map we will expand into. Currently there are a handful of optional placeholder missions so you're free to explore. It's pretty bare bones right now but there is still a lot of fun to be had exploring and interacting with the AI. We'll be adding additional objectives/missions and story line elements in the future. See the roadmap below for more planned features.A comet is hurtling toward earth! Sneak, scavenge and blast your way through an immersive prehistoric world filled with Humans, Dinosaurs, Droids and Mother Nature’s fury!After traveling back in time 70 million years and crash landing you'll need to try to return to your own time before disaster strikes. Fortunately, a lot of spaceship debris is littered about with weapons, gear and items to assist you along the way to ease the difficulties of the journey. As you progress you'll begin to unravel the circumstances that brought you there. However, you are up against your shipmates who will also be struggling to survive and make it home before the impending apocalypse arrives.And of course, various dinosaur species will be roaming the landscape looking for their last meal, will it be you?Key Features in Current Release:Unscripted AI to AI InteractionsEnvironmental hazards like Earthquakes, small Comet Impacts, Lava FlowsImmersive Open World Prehistoric LandscapeBasic Survival ElementsWeather SystemDismemberment & Death AnimationsExplorable CavesBasic Crafting System w/Meat Cooking24 Hour Time of Day with Multiple DaysDinosaurs in this first release include:UtahraptorTRexSpinosaurusCeratosaurusStegosaurusXenoceratopsBrachiosaurusAlligatorsCompsognathusLeaellynasauraBaby UtahraptorsDevelopment Roadmap:This list is to provide a general idea of things we are working towards. Some items here may be removed, modified or added in the future:More Dinosaurs as well as other prehistoric animalsExpanded Story Elements and Gameplay ObjectivesMore Items, Weapons and GearIncrease the amount of ship debris and explorable interiorsAI recruitment and basic control over AISteamworks Integration with StatsImproved AI, Animations, SoundImproved and Expanded UI/MenuImproved Crafting SystemExpand Map Area and Flora varietyImproved Weather SystemImprovements to Time of Day & LightingMore environmental hazards(Tar Pits, Geysers, etc)General Optimizations 7aa9394dea Title: Collision CourseGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early AccessDeveloper:CrynosaursPublisher:CrynosaursRelease Date: 7 Jan, 2017 Collision Course Download 5kapks Since the first FarCry came out, I've wanted THIS game. It uses the latest CryEngine as well! The graphics and lighting are incredible and beautiful. The A.I. between you and the dinosaurs, and the dinosaurs against each other are pretty impressive. Random catastrophic events are pretty cool too.The plans for the rest of the game seem to be going in the right direction.If only the water was island-like in color/clarity with the ability to dive down with sea creatures and coral...that would amazing!This is my favorite game of all time right now.. Alright, I really had hype for this game, I really wanted to enjoy this game, and for the most part the gameplay is probably some of the best I have had in a very long time, it's very refreshing, very fun and very orriginalI just can't find myself recomending this game because every single time I try to play it, the game for some reason crashes after a while, and a "save bug" occurs, meaning I no longer have acess to my save (since every time I try to it just crashes the game) The only fix being to start a new game entirely, and before you say my computer is bad I have a GTX 1070, Core I5 8600K And 16GB RAM in my rig, So It has nothing to do with my PC at all.I want to give this a fair review but the simple fact is that this bug is game breaking and too intrusive on everything to give a fair review, it really shows the importance of allowing multiple saves, so if one gets bugged you can at least resume from another (even if further back it is much less annoying than starting from the very begining every single damn time the game bugs out) I really hope the devs either fix the bug or allow multiple savesI think on any stand point multiple saves should be allowed anyway, as in if other people want to play the game on your pc but dont want to overwrite your save, or if you want to go back to an earlier save cause your most recent save was at a heavy impass (nearly dead by disease, hunger, or in a cycle of death from something)but for now I will try to give this game the fairest review I possibly can.Positives:-The enviroments are nice, rich, and have some very good desing and hard work put into them.-The gameplay is very refreshing, the style of the gameplay is something I don't really often see, alough some more freedom in the way you play would always be welcome (allowing use of your escape pod as a shelter till you build your own would be pretty cool, allowing you to store gear instead of only having 4 and dropping the rest would also be welcome, making basic resources like rocks and sticks more common would be decent)-The AI Is fantastic, it actually feels like the dinos around me are alive, instead of just bots that run at you and slash you, you can also be creeped up on easily if you do not pay attention-The models are great, the dinos look real, the humans look real, the weapons are very creative as well.-There is a pretty good variety for an early acsess game like this in terms of creatures you can find around the environment, and each acts very differently.-The eating animation for the big dinos is extremely terrifying, and it should be, really gives you even higher steaks (that you should have already) to avoid them at all costs, and when you do get caught, it gives a dynamic of a real punishment, as opposed to just a black screen and a "you died" on it, making you fight harder next attempt to avoid it.Negatives:-This game has made my PC over heat more times than I care to admit, I have liquid cooling as well so that is suprising, Very high settings are not an option unless you got sub zero cooling, It turns out this game puts heavy pressure on your GPU prosessor on highest settings at 1080p, 4K I cant even imagin, even with a 1080TI I think it would struggle to stay cool.-not too well optimized, I get more FPS on ark with simular settings-There is no indication of the "out of bounds" areas yet, meaning you haft to paranoidly check your map every few seconds to be sure that you are not approaching the auto kill zone-Diseases are cool and all (and if done right can be a great element to the game, adding that realistic and harder survival factor) but they just infect well too quickly, It really needs toning down cause, you really don't seem to have too much hope of finding all the resources before your vision in game becomes well too blurey to effectivly find them, and the resources to cure the "sepsis" disease are extremely hard to come by, at least in my experience the water disease and food disease are very easy to avoid though, just cook the meat and find a clean source of water.-this game crashes alot, I mean alot, no matter your PC, You can expect them to be common place, havnt pinned down the exact reasons yetIn conclusion, I think this game is a much better version of the hunter primal with si fi style weapons and without the hunting part, the environments feel as dynamic (good thing) the dinos have pretty good AI (another good thing) and everything feels real (again a good thing) But this game just has game breaking bugs like the save feature and extreme GPU Pressure that I explained earlier, I think this game needs work (I know it is in early acsess, which is why I'm writing this review like this, I don't want it to turn out bad) and I hope the devs really do plan to keep updating and improving this game, and not let it become another ARK, we get too many bad "dinosaur themed games" and I just really hope the devs break the tradition and make a really good game, blow the others out of the water, this game has so much potentual.this review will recieve updates as the game devlloppes and I discover new things or figure out something was wrong.. A game that's cheap but very good. If You love dinos in realism and good graphics, and if You play SP games: this will work for You for certain.. I really like this game. The world looks great and the dinosaurs as well. There is a lot to explore and some strange surprises I don't fully understand yet. So far I have found a gun, a crashed pod with some loot such as stim packs, energy cells and a steel bar as melee weapon. The encounters with AI have been scary and intense, especially when I ran into someRobot guy that was guarding the crashsite (Wasn't able to kill him so I ran away). In the jungle there where humans running around and one of them started shooting at me the second he saw me. But I was able to sneak up on some of them as well and punch them in the face to then take the loot they where carrying. When it comes to the dinosaurs I have to say that they are a highlight for me in this game. In my first few minutes of playing I had a Tyrannosaurus come at me and chase me through the jungle. It was so scary and since then I'm sneaking through the woods trying to avoid the dinosaurs as best as I can. There are view things that I want to point out as well though: I don't think that Collision Course is for everybody. It has a bunch of bugs and there is a lot of walking around and sneaking involved. People who are a bit inpatient or are looking for a game with non stop action could get bored after a while I guess. Another thing is that there is no real description of how to do things. After two hours of playing I found out how to use consumables and that you can punch crates you'll find in the world to loot them. Personally I like that the game doesn't tell you all the stuff you can or have to do but I have seen some videos of people who got annoyed by that (Items have descriptions when you hover over them with your mouse guys!).Overall I have to say that I'm having a really good time with Collision Course so far and that I'm going to play a lot more of it. It would be nice to have more items, weapons and stuff like that but looking at the roadmap the developers have posted I am convinced that they will work on that and eventually will make this a really awesome survival/adventure game.. good game, fun and enjoyable but night sucks casaue u cant see a thing. good game with a lot of potential. may play it a bit more after it has progressed.. If you want complete game then don't buy this. This is not even close to complete, yet, and it is also said by the devs in the game info.If buggy, unfinished game doesn't bother you and you want to try a survival game with dinosaurs with huge potential to become to great dino-survival game, then I recommend to buy this.I have been following this project a year before steam release and I am quite sure that the devs will continuously develope this game.There isn't much content at the moment, but it is fun to play and explore already.. So far loving it, just needs more dinosaur variety. Hope the developer puts spinosaurus into the game and would like to see dinosaurs in groups and different sizes/skin colors and make the map a bit bigger.-PROS- beauitful forests/scenery -amazing dinosaur models, t rex looks pretty much like Rexy from JP-Scary. Unlike Ark where you run into a dino every sec, Once I finally ran into a T-rex, it made my heart race like hell lol(hide at night) it gets pretty dark and freaky-Love the weapons scattered all over the mapCONS-needs more dinosaur variety: Personally would add Spino, Brachiosaurs and would love to see a Titanoboa if possible, would add to some scary lake scenarios to it.-Map Needs to be bigger, and some places are bland in that they need to be filled with grass a bit more and vegetation.-More weaponsNeeds more caves for hiding at night or some bases to be hidden in to be safe.Overall game is AMAZING! Personally prefer it over Ark, that game ruins the suprise element because you run into a damn dinosaur every damn sec! Anyways The developer should definattly countinue this game, I can just picture what they final result will be if they keep at it! Dont abadoned this game like all the other amazing projects left behind! This will stand out if you keep at it! Love it!. Oh well, this game has the qualities I've always wanted from a survival game with dinosaurs - dinosaurs being dangerous. In some games it's ruined by the fact that once you wear steel armour and weapons, you can as well solo a t-rex. Here the approach is more realistic, and the sounds and sense of danger is awesome. On nvidia 960 the game runs more or less smoothly on medium/high settings. v0.08 News and Feedback: Hey Everyone,We thought you'd like to know about some of what we're working on for v0.08 and get your feedback on some things.We're significantly expanding ship debris and explorable ship interiors. This will allow us to create a large crash site and lay the foundation for future ones as well. This will bring more scavenging and mission opportunities.Also, you will now be able to recruit a friendly prisoner to follow you and give them orders to go to a position in the local area. You can use them as a distraction, scout or they can be a help against creatures and enemies especially if they have a weapon. It changes the feel of the game quite a bit and gives you more options when exploring or attacking.We're also working on some other things like a new method of acquiring special supplies as well as our next inhabitant but we're not quite ready to give all details on those just yet.Hunger - As you have seen, one of the basic survival elements we currently don't utilize is hunger. We wanted to get your thoughts on if we should implement a hunger system and if so how would it work? Please let us know what you think by taking this poll. Everyone!. Future Development: Hey Everyone,Thanks for being part of the journey this past year, it’s been an exciting one! We wanted to give you an update of what to expect in v0.09 and beyond.We’ve decided to put new missions and story elements on the back burner until we can further expand the map and add more content overall. New dinosaurs, items, features, optimizations and critical bug fixes are all in the works. Expect a short video soon showcasing one of these new features.Once we have the core map, sandbox/survival features, items and AI in place and working good we'll separate the modes and then change our focus to the final story and missions. This may be released in stages or worked on behind closed doors and released all at once. We’re still figuring out the best way to approach it. You may however encounter things in the meantime which may not make complete sense until the story/missions are add to the game. i.e. Places you can’t get into, items that don’t have much use, etc.Also, thanks for all the bug reporting and good ideas, keep it up!. v0.06 Preview: Hey Everyone,We wanted to show off a few of the things you'll be seeing in v0.06. This update will include interesting new items/gear, friendly NPCs with trading and more. We'll most likely do a preview video closer to release to give more details.Thanks!. v0.06 Patch: v0.06 PatchFix for a text rendering crashAI fixes for Utahraptor and Ceratosaurus staring without attacking while shootingFix for trade failures & craft failures involving new itemsFix for PDA Screen not appearing after save/loadNew notification message when trying to craft weapon when weapon inventory fullFixed TRex AI to allow pick up and carry/eat of human NPCsAdded missing Solar Cell textureFix for water color/brightnessOther misc fixes and adjustmentsUnfortunately with with patch you'll lose your game save. We try our best not to do this with a patch but in this case we had to, sorry about that. Be sure to turn off auto-update in Steam if you don't want to start things over.Also, thanks for the feedback, videos and logs. They helped us track down several items on this list.. v0.07 Released!: Hey Everyone, our latest release is out now!v0.07 Release Notes:Two new weapons(Officer Pistol & Shotgun) and new ammo typeTwo new gear item(Small(craftable) and Medium Backpacks) which expand item inventoryNew item wires(randomly spawned and in AI inventory)New weapon particle effects, soundsNew trading side missionNew ammo display in inventoryNotifications for ammo pickupsNew screen effectsLighting Adjustments FOV and VSync Options Added to Graphics MenuOn screen hud with crosshair and vitals, H - key ~25+ bug fixes including a critical engine crashNew rewards for mission completion!To get the new shotgun you must complete all the primary missions. It will be dropped by one of the prisoners.To get medium backpack you must complete all secondary missions.As always you'll need to start a new game with this update.Thanks everyone!. v0.09 Released!: Hey Everyone,This release took longer than expected and isn’t quite a large as some in the past, we apologize. We’ve had to take on some additional outside work which has slowed development down. On top of that we also encountered a few setbacks including a hardware failure.It’s true progress has been slower but we’re as excited and motivated as ever to continue development but at this time we’ll need to do it at a pace that can prevent burnout and allows us to keep moving forward. Circumstances may change in the future that permit us to speed up development time again but as of right now this is the only way we can envision a sustainable path to long term success.You, the community have been amazing over the last several years and we hope you’ll understand and stay onboard for the journey, even if it’s a longer one than first anticipated.On the horizon, map expansion is currently underway but could not make it into this update. Several other new items are still in progress and will be featured in v0.1, like a new buildable as well as Prisoner encampments among other things.This release should be the most stable and bug free version yet. Let us know if you’re still seeing any issues, big or small.Release Notes: SpinosaurusSteam Stats & Achievements System(initial version)Increased variety of Prisoner modelsImproved Actor & Item Spawner(should provide a more consistent experience)Fixes for two most common crashes that remained(all crashes are fixed that we are aware of) - This includes the level saving/loading corruption fix. If you are still getting crashing/freezing please let us know. AI Improvements/EnhancementsOptimizations(esp for those Medium settings) - a variety of different optimizations in order to support a larger map areaLighting Improvements20+ Bug Fixes & many other tweaksAs usual, you’ll need to start a new game once updated.. v0.1 Preview 2: Hey Everyone,Another small preview of some of the things that are coming in the next release. There is still some work to do yet but it's starting to really come together now. Thanks for all your patience.Map ExpansionTripwire Craftable. v0.08 Released!: Hey Everyone,Thanks again for hanging in there. This release took a bit longer than we'd planned but we were able to pack in a lot more new content and features than the typical release. We think you'll really enjoy the updates in v0.08. Some of the things in this release: New Large Wreckage Area New Alligator AI AI Recruitment System Several New Missions("Wreck Access" and "Restore Power", at the end of the previous missions) Next Iteration of Map System Waypoint Ability Added(Right Mouse Click) Drag and Drop(Left Mouse Hold) to move map around Added Discovered Points of Interests(POIs) to Map Hunger System - meat, Utahraptor eggs, mushrooms, flowers(small amount) can provide nourishment, more in the future New Gear Canteen, allows for increased water capacity. Boots, allows for more agile movement. Thermal Boots, agile movement + ability to withstand high temperatures. Expanded spawning system to spawn smaller creatures dynamically(bats, salamanders and more) New Crate Containers(replaces old ones) The items they contain are semi-dynamic so each play-through will have some variability of items. New T-Rex Carcass Onscreen HUD updates with hotkey, illness and keycard display(defaulted to on now) Lighting/Shadow and Flashlight Adjustments Various Performance Improvements, Bug Fixes and Adjustments. Some users may notice significant improvements.You'll have to start a New Game with this update and as always we'd appreciate your feedback on everything. Thanks Everyone!. v0.07 Preview: Hey Everyone,We wanted to show you some of the things you'll be seeing in v0.07. This update will include some new weaponry, backpacks and more! Thanks!. v0.11 Preview: Hey Everyone,It's a quetzalcoatlus, it's a meteor? Nope, just a teaser of one of the things we're working on for the next release. :)


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